The offers available usually change weekly and new surveys tend to appear daily. Another common offer I've seen is to deposit £20 on a well known stocks & shares exchange to receive just over 5000 GE in return etc. One common offer I tend to see is to deposit £5 on the sports app Kiff to earn yourself just under 3,000 GE (If bought directly from Gaijin that is just over £15/$20 of GE!!). The highest of these GE payouts are typically behind a paywall OR require multiple hours to complete eg, play 'x' mobile phone game till you reach a certain level milestone etc. The GE earned for completing these tasks WILL vary greatly, these earnings can be anything from 2 to 4,500+ GE per offer. These tasks can be quick and as simple as watching a minute long game trailer, trying out a trial of a service/product eg, Amazon Prime, Netflix etc to the much more time consuming earn a million credits in some generic mobile phone game etc. To put it simply these mobile phone applications (apps) show/offer you numerous offers/tasks and in return for completing these you get rewarded with GE for War Thunder.